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Ivor Charles Oke : My Photography & NOOM ( Not one of Mine )
Thrush, Solitaire, Cochoa & Bluebird ( Turdidae ) : work in progress but looking a bit more like the style I would like.

Abyssinian Thrush
Turdus abyssinicus bambusicola Other names - African mountain thrush or Northern olive thrush 18th December 2016 Akagera national park, Rwanda. Noom - Capt. David Hawkins

Abyssinian Thrush
Turdus abyssinicus bambusicola Other names - African mountain thrush or Northern olive thrush 18th December 2016 Akagera national park, Rwanda. Noom - Capt. David Hawkins

Abyssinian Thrush
Turdus abyssinicus bambusicola Other names - African mountain thrush or Northern olive thrush 18th December 2016 Akagera national park, Rwanda. Noom - Capt. David Hawkins

Abyssinian Thrush
Turdus abyssinicus bambusicola Other names - African mountain thrush or Northern olive thrush 18th December 2016 Akagera national park, Rwanda. Noom - Capt. David Hawkins

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