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Ivor Charles Oke : My Photography & NOOM ( Not one of Mine )
Pigeons & Doves ( Columbidae ) : work in progress but looking a bit more like the style I would like.

Spotted Dove
Bolgoda Lake Sri Lanka

African mourning dove
NooM-David Hawkins Other name - Mourning collared dove (Streptopelia decipiens) Kigali, Rwanda December 2016

Crested Pigeon
Brisbane, Australia 2nd May 2013

Spotted Dove
Chateau Laverna, Bolgoda lake, Sri Lanka 17th August 2016 Lovely relaxed villa

Pied Imperial Pigeon
21st March 2015 at Newquay Zoo

Mourning Dove
(Zenaida macroura) Other names - American mourning dove, Rain dove, and erroneously as the turtle dove, and was once known as the Carolina pigeon or Carolina turtledove April 2001 47 36 N 060 42 W St Lawrence, North Atlantic

Luzon Bleeding Heart Pigeon
21st March 2015 at Newquay Zoo

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