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Ivor Charles Oke : My Photography & NOOM ( Not one of Mine )
Cuckoo, Coucal & Malkoha : work in progress but looking a bit more like the style I would like.

Asian Koel
Male August 2016 Sri Lanka

White-browed Coucal
NooM-David Hawkins 19th December 2016 (Centropus superciliosus) Other name - Lark-heeled Cuckoo

Yellow-billed Cuckoo
North Atlantic

White-browed Coucal
NooM-David Hawkins 19th December 2016 (Centropus superciliosus) Other name - Lark-heeled Cuckoo

Plaintive Cuckoo
(Male) Rot Fai Park 02 December 2007

White-browed Coucal
NooM-David Hawkins 19th December 2016 (Centropus superciliosus) Other name - Lark-heeled Cuckoo

Green-billed Malkoha
22nd June 2008 Saraburi Saipan resort One of the first places I stayed at outside of Bangkok, revisited just before I went back to UK in Aug 2008

Plaintive Cuckoo
( female ) Rod Fai Park ( Bangkok ) used to be a golf course for the Royal Thai Railways staff. 2nd Dec 2007.

Green-billed Malkoha
9th September 2016 Jungle House, Khao Yai

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