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Ivor Charles Oke : My Photography & NOOM ( Not one of Mine )
Grebe ( Podicipedidae ) : work in progress but looking a bit more like the style I would like.

Black necked (Eared) Grebe
March 2014. Tacoma (USA)

Little Grebe
Radipole Lake, Weymouth 10th Sept 2014

Little Grebe
Camel Trail, Cornwall 20th Feb 2008

Little Grebe
10th August 2008 3343 Sai Yok to Bong Ti ( Kanchanaburi Province )

Little Grebe
Radipole Lake, Weymouth 10th Sept 2014

Great Crested Grebe
Sutton at Hone 2012

Great Crested Grebe
Sutton at Hone 08th November 2012

Australasian Grebe
01st August 2013 Brisbane - Swan Lake

Black necked ( Eared ) Grebe
Tacoma (USA)

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