Ivor Charles Oke : My Photography & NOOM ( Not one of Mine )

Phon Pisai, Nong Khai, Thailand. 02.Jan. 2018

Two "Cattleya" Orchids. December 2017

Thonburi, Bangkok 2005

Phon Pisai, Nong Khai, Thailand. 02.Jan. 2018

One of the less than welcome chaps ( Scorpion ) seen at Khao Yai, we also saw monkeys, deer, an elephant.
Recently seen a few snakes around Phon Pisai and while driving around Nong Khai province. Above left : Yellow spotted Keelback ( Venomous - rear fanged ) killed next door today (31 Oct). The lizard is an oriental garden lizard ( eastern garden or changeable lizard (30 Mar 17 )
Above right is a Golden Tree snake, one of the more common snakes in Thailand. Rear fanged, mildly venomous - used to paralyse Tokay ( big ) gecko and frogs. Thai name : Ngoo kee-ow ly dok mak.

English name: Common Indian Toad (aka “Black-spined Toad” "Asian common toad", "Asian toad", "black-spectacled toad", "common Sunda toad" and "Javanese toad".)Scientific name : Duttaphrynus melanostictus.
Thai name: Kang-kok ban, Khi kang-kak. This one was passing through the back garden to the front. Didn't see if it made it across the road. First toad I have seen here. (13 May '17 )